Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hellz Bellz Total Body Fitness Boot Camp

H.O.W.   for  Friday, July 29, 2011, Fitness Boot Camp.

"Don't drop the Sandbell!"  30 minute A.M.R.A.P.(as many rounds as possible)

First, we'll do a Kettlebell warm up then .......

You can't put down/drop the sandbell during the 30 minute workout.  Major Burpee penalty for everyone, if the Sandbell gets put down!

Sandbell overhead carry(straight arms!)

25  Leg lifts while holding sandbell overhead .

25 Scissor kicks while holding the sandbell overhead.

25 Sandbell Thrusters

25 Reverse lunges while holding sandbell

Sandbell Run  (not walk)


The goal is to challenge yourself and push each other to get more rounds

 Be sure to always maintain "proper" hydration at least 24 hours before class.